
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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Low Pool Stabilizer

We have to do a lot to take care of our swimming pools. We have to brush. This helps keep algae spores from taking a foothold on our pool’s surface. We have to net out and vacuum dirt and debris. Anything organic can turn into what are known as phosphates. Phosphates are food for algae. They can be harmless if our water chemistry is on point and we are properly circulating the water, but if you...

Guide to Pool Automation

We have so much to do to maintain our commercial bodies of water. We have to brush, vacuum, net, check and balance chemistry and make sure our equipment is working properly. You may not be aware that a lot of pools use automation to stay clean and compliant.

Muriatic Acid in Swimming Pools

We have a lot to worry about as pool operators when it comes to caring for the pool. We need to net out debris. We need to brush regularly. We need to vacuum as needed. The most important part is the water chemistry. Having balanced water not only protects the bathers and the pool’s surface, but it also protects your pool equipment. For clear, safe water, keep your water balanced at all times....

Saltwater Pool Chemistry

With saltwater pools becoming more and more popular on commercial properties, it is important that we know how to properly care for them. Believe it or not, they are not much different from a traditional chlorine pool. Let’s chat about it!

Why Property Managers Need Digital Pool Management Systems

As property managers, we have a lot on our plate. Taking care of a body of water may be one of them. There is so much that goes into maintaining a swimming pool. We need to maintain the equipment. We need the proper safety equipment. We need proper safety signage. We need adequate circulation. Most importantly, we need proper water chemistry and logging.

Pool Chemistry Test Kits

We, as pool operators and property managers, have a lot we are responsible for. One of the many things could include a swimming pool and/or spa. You may also have a splash pad, fountains, or a water slide. According to the local health agency, these all need to be tested and have the chemicals balanced.

Cost of Recreational Water Illness

We as pool operators have a lot on our plates. Many of you have multiple properties. Many of you have job requirements other than maintaining the pool. Safety is our number one concern. What happens if someone claims to have gotten ill from your body of water? We need to be protected. This comes from proper water chemistry and proper logging of results.

How Often Should Public Pool Water Be Tested?

As commercial pool operators, you have a lot on our to-do lists. Some of you manage multiple bodies of water. Some of you take care of the entire property, not just the swimming pool. You are required to be compliant with local health codes so that no one gets hurt or sick, which is most important. You also don’t want your body of water to be shut down.

Pool Health Department Regulations

We, as pool operators, have a lot to worry about when it comes to our swimming pools. We have to keep the chemicals balanced. We have to follow safety regulations. We have to test and log our results. This can be a lot especially if taking care of the swimming pool is not our only responsibility and if we manage multiple properties. As always, safety is our number one priority.

Commercial Pools

We, as pool operators, take care of what are known as “Commercial” pools, spas, splash pads, and water parks. Just what makes them commercial? We know we have a lot to do to maintain these bodies of water. We have to keep them safe. That is our number one priority. We have to keep them compliant with local health department regulations. This includes things like safety equipment, proper signage,...

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