
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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Swimmer's Eye

Safety is our number one priority when it comes to caring for, and maintaining, commercial bodies of water. At least, it should be. Having the proper safety precautions in place help protect the bathers and the staff. We need to make sure we have all the proper safety equipment such as shepherd's hooks, ADA chair lifts, secure handrails and even trained lifeguards where applicable. Besides...

Bacterial Infections from Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs

It’s the off season, so indoor pools are all the rage right now. Hot tubs can be used indoors or outdoors. Due to their warm temperatures, they tend to get used all year long. We have many things on our checklist when taking care of an indoor pool or an indoor or outdoor hot tub. We have to maintain the equipment. We have to ensure safety signs and equipment are in place. We have to clean the...

Pool Shock Calculator

We do a lot to take care of our swimming pools, spas, splash pads, water parks, and the like. Balancing the water is one of, if not THE most important aspects of this care. We know we need to balance pH and alkalinity. We know we need to have appropriate CYA and calcium levels. We know phosphates can be an issue. The most important chemical is our sanitizer. This not only keeps the water clear,...

It's Hot Tub Disease Season!

Yup, it is that time of year again. The Holidays, travel, and cold weather have arrived. It is also the ski and snowboarding season. What does this mean to you as a commercial spa or hot tub operator? More than usual use of your facility’s indoor pool and especially the hot tub. Because of the higher temps, this smaller vessel is literally a breeding ground for death.

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