
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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Speed Up Public and Commercial Pool Health Department Inspections

Health Department inspections are required for almost all public and commercial pools. No one likes being inspected and most inspectors appreciate anything you can do to make it easier and faster for them to be in and out of your property as quickly as possible.

Reasons Your Public or Commercial Pool Water Could Be Cloudy

Isn’t it the absolute worst to come to check on your pool and you can’t see the bottom due to cloudiness? Not only is this illegal for safety reasons (the main drain MUST be visible), but it means something isn’t right with the water. It also makes the pool unappealing to clients and guests. There are many reasons this could occur. Let’s talk about a few.

Competition Pool Safety - Getting Your Pool Ready for Competition

With the summer Olympics coming up again, you want to make sure your future competitive swimmers are in safe water and with ideal conditions. We want to create an environment that allows the swimmers the best chance they have to be the best athletes they can be. What exactly does that look like?

How to Lower Public Pool Operating Costs

Public pools are one part of the commercial pool ecosystem. With everything that is labeled as “commercial” one can assume that comes with “commercial” costs. And of course, anything “public” means that health and safety are of the utmost importance because a lot of people are involved. This includes public pools. The larger the public pool, the more people involved, ergo, the higher the cost....

It's Hot Tub Disease Season!

Yup, it is that time of year again. The Holidays, travel, and cold weather have arrived. It is also the ski and snowboarding season. What does this mean to you as a commercial spa or hot tub operator? More than usual use of your facility’s indoor pool and especially the hot tub. Because of the higher temps, this smaller vessel is literally a breeding ground for death.

HOA Pool Management

Did you know that California recently changed its laws concerning the maintenance, rules, and regulations on HOA pools? With HOAs in every state, it could be only a matter of time before these laws are adopted in other states. There are currently over 350,000 Homeowners Associations in the United States and approximately 20 more are created every day. With Florida having the largest number of...

Top 10 Reasons Your Commercial Pool Gets Shut Down - A Guide to Safe Swimming Pool Operations & Management

Commercial Swimming Pool operators and managers have many other daily tasks other than maintaining the pool. Fixing heating systems, leaking sinks, squeaking doors, taking care of the grounds around the facility etc…and oh yeah, the pool. Oftentimes, even a commercial swimming pool gets taken care of last, even though it is most likely the biggest liability on the property. As we know, there are...

Guide to Pool Maintenance Log Books

Why Use a Pool Maintenance Log? Pool maintenance logs are used to keep track of pool water chemistry such as the levels of chlorine and pH in the water. These logs are very important and ensure that the pool water is being kept in good condition for guests. Auditing past pool maintenance logs can help show trends for preventing expensive equipment malfunctions and other potential maintenance...

Guide to Public Pool Testing Requirements

Why is Testing Public Pool Water Important? Public swimming pools are a place where many families and communities can come together to enjoy a fun and relaxing day. Behind the scenes, however, maintaining a public swimming pool is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Keeping track of pool testing data and maintaining the proper chemical balance is necessary for healthy pool water. When pool water...

2021 Chlorine Shortage Will Probably Affect Commercial Pool Operators

In the coming summer of 2021, there could be a severe, unprecedented shortage of some of the most popular chlorine products on the market. Rumors from pool supply store owners suggest that many stores could be entirely out of dichlor and trichlor chlorine tablets by the end of May. Dichlor and trichlor tablets are chlorine products primarily used by residential pool owners, as they are convenient...

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  • Substantial ROI
  • Better Water Conditions
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