
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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Cyanuric Acid Low in Pool Water? Essential Steps for Commerical Pools

When it comes to operating and managing swimming pools, disinfection is king. It’s a requirement for Health Departments, municipalities, counties, and states everywhere. By far, the vast majority of outdoor pools operating in the US use chlorine as their primary disinfecting agent to kill and control bacteria, viruses, algae, and other microscopic contaminants.

Swimming Pool Chemicals List: a 101 Reference List for Commercial Pool Managers

It’s common knowledge that keeping swimming pools clean, healthy to swim in, and safe requires chemicals, but once you really get into it, swimming pool chemicals get complicated, fast. You are, after all, maintaining a medium- to large-sized body of water that is frequently exposed to the weather, the elements, and to large volumes of different people bringing in a mix of bacteria, germs,...

What Does Pool Stabilizer Do?

What does pool stabilizer do? The answer is both simple and (chemically) complex at the same time, so in this blog, we’re going to help break down why the pools you’re managing likely need pool stabilizer, how it works and what it does, when to add it and how to add it safely, and how to test for pool stabilizer levels.

Swimming Pool Resurfacing Cost: An Overview for Property Managers

Swimming pool resurfacing, also referred to as re-plastering, is a normal part of a commercial pool’s lifecycle. For commercial pools of all kinds, including apartment communities and hotels, resurfacing should be part of your pools’ long-term maintenance plan.

What Are Pool Rules for Apartments? A Guide for Property Managers

Everyone loves a swimming pool, and adding or managing a swimming pool in the apartment complexes you operate can be a big draw for tenants. You also need to consider–or refresh your memory–the steps you can take as a property manager to keep everyone using your pool facilities safe. That means establishing and governing a set of pool rules for apartments that give residents and their guests the...

Commercial Pool Replastering 101, Including How to Prevent Early Replastering

Whether you’re managing a hotel pool or an apartment pool, commercial pools see a lot of use (and hopefully, a lot of fun for residents and guests). Which is why maintaining the pools on your properties is crucial for both safety and longevity.

Considerations for Acid Washing a Commercial Pool

An acid wash is a method to aggressively clean and remove surface stains and algae from pools using muriatic acid. The cost of an acid wash for a pool varies. Depending on the size of your pool, you can expect an estimate to be anywhere between $600 - $3000. However, you’ll also want to add on to that the cost of refilling your pool water and replacing all the pool chemicals in it. There are...

Swimming Pool Rules and Regulations for HOA Boards to Know

Community and HOA-governed swimming pools are becoming more and more common across the country, and with good reason. Residents love them, thanks to the access to healthier and, frankly, more fun lifestyles they provide, and prospective buyers seek them out. Well-maintained pools also add value to the properties in your community.

Does Chlorine Freeze?

Does chlorine freeze? Everything commercial pool operators need to know Do you feel that? It’s the icy winds of winter arriving to stay for awhile and whether you operate aquatic facilities indoors throughout the winter and spring or not, it’s important to understand where you can store your pool chemicals throughout the cold temperatures. Ahead, we’ll address the common question, does chlorine...

Critical Steps to Safe Muriatic Acid Storage for Commercial Pools

From keeping water balanced and disinfected to stellar cleaning abilities, there’s good reason we use the chemicals we do in and around pools. That said, they should be both used and stored carefully–especially as not all of the chemicals you’ll use are compatible with each other, and mixing them can be highly dangerous and even life-threatening.

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