
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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LaMotte Spin Touch vs Non-Digital Testing

Pool water testing is a vital process when it comes to keeping pools functioning and safe. Testing recording results into a pool log is not only smart and responsible, but is also required by state health departments. Something pool operators must keep in mind is that the type of testing kit used can make a significant difference in testing results and ease of pool maintenance, and is therefore a...

Vomit in Pool

As commercial swimming pool operators, we have certain job requirements to keep our bodies of water functioning and safe. This includes things such as ensuring the equipment is running properly, keeping safety equipment in good repair, testing the water, and making the necessary dosing instructions. We have to log our water test findings. The most important thing we have to do is Expect the...

Swimmer's Eye

Safety is our number one priority when it comes to caring for, and maintaining, commercial bodies of water. At least, it should be. Having the proper safety precautions in place help protect the bathers and the staff. We need to make sure we have all the proper safety equipment such as shepherd's hooks, ADA chair lifts, secure handrails and even trained lifeguards where applicable. Besides...

Daily Pool Log Sheets

When one has chosen the career of taking care of commercial bodies of water, we have a lot to be aware of and to take care of. We have to maintain the vessel itself. We have to make sure the equipment is in good repair and functioning properly. We have to make sure all safety features are in place and in good working order. We have to clean the water. We have to balance the water’s chemistry. We...

Bacterial Infections from Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs

It’s the off season, so indoor pools are all the rage right now. Hot tubs can be used indoors or outdoors. Due to their warm temperatures, they tend to get used all year long. We have many things on our checklist when taking care of an indoor pool or an indoor or outdoor hot tub. We have to maintain the equipment. We have to ensure safety signs and equipment are in place. We have to clean the...

Indoor Pool Air Quality

It’s once again indoor pool season. We may be out of the woods and into a building, but that doesn’t mean we, as pool operators, have any less to do! We still have some of the same worries as caring for an outdoor body of water such as maintaining the equipment, keeping safety equipment up to regulations, cleaning the pool and proper water testing and balance. Proper water chemistry is important...

Lifeguard Lung

It’s indoor pool season! As pool operators, we have a lot to worry about. Some stuff is the same for outdoor pools such as making sure the equipment is functioning properly, making sure all safety equipment is in good operating shape, cleaning the pool, and proper water chemistry. One additional thing we have to worry about is the air quality. Say what? Why would we have to worry about the air...

An Integrated and Automated Commercial Pool Water Monitoring System

Taking care of our commercial bodies of water can be a full-time job. There are so many things on our plate. We have to maintain the equipment. We have to worry about safety, such as ADA chairlifts, signage, handrails and ladders. We have to remove dirt and debris from the water to keep it clean. And, most importantly, we have to balance the water chemistry. Keeping the water chemistry balanced...

How to Drain Your Pool

Why Should You Drain Your Pool? Being in charge of water management comes with a lot of responsibilities. We have to maintain proper water levels, we have to keep an eye on the equipment, we have to worry about signage and safety and, most importantly, we have to maintain proper water chemistry balance. This is key to a healthy swimming pool. It keeps our bathers safe. It protects our pool’s...

How Much Does it Cost to Drain a Pool?

We have a lot on our plates if caring for commercial pools and spas are part of our job. We have to maintain the proper signage and safety equipment. We have to ensure handrails and steps are in good repair. We have to make sure all of our equipment is working properly with no leaks, squeaks or creaks. We need to get it repaired or replaced if necessary. What, in my opinion, is the most important...

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