The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

Automatic Pool Chemical Dispensers

Written by Scott Trafton | May 8, 2023 2:23:40 PM

We, as pool operators, have so much to look out for when it comes to maintaining our bodies of water.  Especially if we manage multiple properties. We have to keep the pool area safe.  This includes any ADA equipment, proper signage, and emergency contact info. It means making sure we have a VGB-compliant drain and that it is less than 5 years old.  We need to make sure our handrails and ladders are secure. The biggest issue is our water’s chemistry.  We all want a clear, sparkly, inviting swimming pool. Most importantly, we want our pool and spa water to be safe for the bathers. Safety should always be our main concern.


We are required by law to test our pool water often.  How often depends on your individual health department. Some require it daily, while others require it hourly. Why not make things easy on ourselves and our staff with modern technology? O

ne of these advances in technology is the Pool Shark H2O App. If paired with the LaMotte Spin Lab, it is the easiest way to test and dose your water. The LaMotte spin touch requires a small syringe of water to be injected into a spin disc. Then the spin disc goes into the spin lab. Viola! Accurate results in just 60 seconds are sent to any device that you have the Pool Shark H2O pool log app on. 

Not ready to take the leap to the spin lab? No problem! You can manually test your water and input the results into the Pool Shark H2O pool log app. This app uses the Langelier Saturation Index to tell you the proper dosing instructions for as close to a neutral pool as possible.

Pool water is either neutral, scale-forming, or corrosive. With 0 being neutral, we want to try to be 0.15 in either direction. The Pool Shark H2O App helps minimize chemical waste which saves time and money. It also logs the results digitally so gone is the need for old-fashioned paper log books. You don’t have to worry about the log getting wet, misplaced, or storing the logs from years past in boxes somewhere.

The Pool Shark H2O pool log app also does other groovy things like reminding us when we need to change our VGB drain and walking us through, step by step if an AFR (Accidental Fecal Release) should occur. Yes, it is one-way technology can be our friend. Let’s talk about another way.

Automatic Pool Chemical Dispensers

These are required by law in some regions. Even if they aren’t, you may want to consider installing one anyway because they help make our lives easier.  Just what is an automatic pool chemical dispenser? First of all, they can be a huge asset to your property. You will find some that dispense chlorine and others that dispense acid. I recommend installing one that does both.

Automatic Pool Chemical Dispensers can become an integral part of your day-to-day maintenance routine. Having a beautiful pool relies largely on proper water chemistry. Two important parts of water chemistry are our sanitizer and our pH levels. The more balanced your pH is, the more effective your sanitizer will be. These are major players in good water chemistry.

The smaller the body of water, the quicker the water chemistry can change. If you operate a spa, you need to be extra diligent. Especially since it is a warm and small body of water. What are some other factors that can rapidly change water chemistry? Bather load for one. How much direct sunlight any given body of water gets is another factor. 

Automatic pool chemical dispensers monitor and measure both the pH and chlorine in the water at any given moment. Should the water get out of range, the dispenser will dispense a minute amount of product until the water is back in range. More chemicals can be saved, meaning more money can be saved. These automatic pool chemical dispensers are oftentimes referred to as “sense and dispense” for obvious reasons. It’s kind of like how a thermostat works in your home to monitor the temperature. It tells your unit when to “kick on”. Cool, huh?

Benefits of Automatic Pool Chemical Dispensers

As we chatted about before, by using these we are wasting less chemicals. This saves time and money and even makes our footprint in Mother Nature smaller. Automatic pool chemical dispensers test the water in “real-time”. What this means is issues are corrected prior to them becoming an issue. This helps with water safety and helps protect our pool’s surface, plumbing, and equipment.

Automatic pool chemical dispensers are built to give you warnings. Some brands, like the ProMinent DCM series work in conjunction with your Pool Shark H2O App. Integrated technology makes me happy! Some of these warnings could include improper circulation, clueing you in to perhaps a pool pump being down. Chemical notifications are kind of a given, but I thought I would mention it anyway.

A lot of pool operators compare having an automatic pool chemical dispenser as the same as them being onsite 24/7. Since the Pool Shark H2O App can be installed on any device, the operator can monitor their staff’s water testing and also the condition of the water remotely. Having these dispensers also lowers your daily workload. Hooray! We want to do all we can to work efficiently to keep our water safe. Imagine a world where an automatic chemical dispenser AND the Pool Shark H2O App work in harmony. Sigh…that sounds fabulous. See you poolside!

More Commercial Pool Controller & App Resources

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Public and Commercial Pool Chemical Controllers

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