The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

How to Lower Public Pool Operating Costs

Written by Jules the Pool Girl | Jan 3, 2022 3:38:24 PM

Public pools are one part of the commercial pool ecosystem. With everything that is labeled as “commercial” one can assume that comes with “commercial” costs.  And of course, anything “public” means that health and safety are of the utmost importance because a lot of people are involved. This includes public pools. The larger the public pool, the more people involved, ergo, the higher the cost. Can we do anything about trying to keep these public pool operating costs at bay?  Absolutely. Here are a few simple, but important, ways.

Make Your Public Pool Treatment Chemicals Work Smart, Not Hard

Keeping the chemicals balanced not only keeps the bathers safe, protects the surface of the pool, keeps the equipment from getting damaged, but can also be a money saver. Having automatic chemical feeders is a lifesaver, and required by law in most states. One must maintain a proper cyanuric acid level, if allowed in your state, to prevent chlorine from evaporating, causing you to use more chlorine. 

Having chloramines in the pool is not only uncomfortable for swimmers but renders your chlorine useless.  Not to mention airborne dangers of an indoor facility. Ph, alkalinity, calcium hardness, water temp, and total dissolved solids (TDS) all come into play with the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI). Water can either be neutral, scale forming, or corrosive. We want to utilize the LSI to try to maintain the water as close to neutral as possible. Testing at least once daily is advised and required by law, Multiple daily tests are even required in some counties. The Pool Shark H20 App can be your best friend in this regard. It allows you and your staff to record water chemical test results on your mobile device, which are automatically entered into your pool log, and then provides dosage recommendations so you can make the necessary adjustments. We want our sanitizer to be as efficient as possible to save money and keep the pool safe as possible. This is accomplished by testing often. 

With Public Pools, Safety Comes First!

We not only want to keep people safe because it is the right thing to do, but we also want to do it to avoid huge lawsuits! If someone were to get hurt or ill from your public swimming pool, it could cost a fortune in legal fees, hospital bills, and settlements or payouts. Some examples of how this could happen would be if someone were to dive into a shallow pool without proper signage. A loose handrail and someone falls. Not having the proper amount of lifeguards or safety equipment and someone was to drown. 

Water chemistry could also be a legal issue. There is a reason we have to be able to see the main drain…in case there is a body under the surface! Scary, but true. Cloudy water can be caused by a chemical imbalance. AFRs (Accidental Fecal Releases) are another way people can get sick. If not handled properly, a whole boatload (Or in this case, pool load) of people could get ill and even die. If someone were to get sick, having accurate logs is your ticket out of deep water. (Pun intended). With the Pool Shark H20 App, It accurately stores your water test logs digitally so they don’t get lost or destroyed. It even has steps on what to do for a “brownout” (AFR). If you can prove that your body of water was not the reason someone claimed they got sick it could literally save you millions.

Training Your Team to Optimize Your Public Pool Operations

I wish I could call this section “hire your team”, but let’s face it, sometimes we may have little say in who we work for, with, and oversee. This doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Having a team that is properly trained in their area can be a huge savings! Make sure each of your commercial pool team members is properly trained on water chemistry, safety, etc. Make sure they know where to access your Pool Shark H20 digital chemical logs books either from the main device or by providing them access on their own device. Keeping employees happy is key as well. It can cost thousands to hire and train a new employee when you factor in the overtime to cover their position until a replacement is found, advertising/recruiting and training. Let’s make the best out of who we have onboard by making sure they receive the proper training!

Public Pool Operating Equipment

Keeping your public pool equipment operating properly is another way to save money. Make sure you are having regular maintenance performed on your auto feeders, filters, pumps and filters. Have salt cells and filters cleaned regularly. Keep an eye out for any leaks, squeaks, or grinds. These are warning signs that something isn’t right. 

If left untreated, it could damage your equipment beyond repair, forcing you to replace it. This can get quite expensive. Keeping the water balanced once again comes into play. If the water is too corrosive or scale forming it can ruin even the sturdiest of commercial-grade equipment. Yup…we are back to testing the water often and making the necessary adjustments. Did I mention the PoolSharkH20 is the perfect way to maintain these test results? Just making sure you were paying attention!

Need an easy and foolproof way to manage this? Check out our solution below!

If you are in need of replacing equipment, invest in Energy Efficient pieces. LoNox heaters and Variable Speed Pumps will save your property a ton of money on utility bills.

Public Pool Leaks

Having a leak in the structure or surrounding areas of your commercial pool can be a huge money pit. You are not only losing priceless (ok…very expensive) water, but you are losing chemicals. Some leaks get worse over time. It is advisable to have regular pool inspections done and/or call a leak detection company right away if you suspect you have a leak. The good ol’ bucket test is a great way to do a pre-test.

Keep the Public Pool OPEN!

Having to shut down your pool is a very common way to lose money. Pools can get shut down for a multitude of reasons. Improper signage, faulty equipment, not enough lifeguards, and the number one reason? Poor water chemistry. The health department has no issue shutting down your pool and spa if it is deemed “unsafe”. We’re not going to talk about water testing again, are we? We sure are!  

The only way to know that your water is balanced is to test, test, test. The Health Department or County Inspector will want to see an accurate record of previous water tests. Pull these up with ease on the Pool Shark H20 App. Not handling a brownout properly can shut your pool down. When your commercial body of water is closed for any amount of time, you are losing money, guests, and maybe getting some not-so-great online reviews. So let’s make sure our recreational areas stay open. Stay Safe, Stay Open, Make Money. Sounds simple enough!  See you poolside!