We, as pool operators, have a lot to do when it comes to maintaining our bodies of water. Maybe for some of you, the pool is just one of your responsibilities. This gives even more reason to make swimming pool care as easy as possible. Remember, it is easier to PREpare than to REpair.
Proper water chemistry is the number one thing we should be concerned about when it comes to caring for our pools. Proper pool water chemistry not only makes the pool look great, but helps protect your pool’s surface, plumbing and equipment. The most important aspect of proper water chemistry is that it keeps our bathers safe.
This is crucial when it comes to our pool water chemistry. We never want to add chemicals without first testing the water. Obviously, if you have a pool monitoring system, it will automatically add the needed dose, but even those test first. Always follow the product’s instructions and wear the appropriate PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment.)
It varies region by region. Some health departments require only once daily testing, while some are as often as every hour. That is a lot of testing. Why not make it easier on yourself and your team? The Pool Shark H2O App gives you accurate dosing instructions every time. It can be paired with the LaMotte Spin Touch for even easier testing. With the spin touch, you take a small amount of water in a syringe and squirt it into a spin disc. The spin disc then gets inserted into the spin lab. You get accurate testing results in just 60 seconds! The results are then sent to your devices that have the Pool Shark H20 App installed.
This is the ideal way to balance water. It will tell you if your water is neutral, scale-forming, or corrosive, with zero being neutral. We want to try to stay 0.15 in either direction. You can take the fields and adjust them using a formula. You can either blow the dust off of your CPO test book or download the formula online. Who has time for that? Seriously? Nope. I recommend using the Pool SHark H2O App, which uses the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) to properly balance your pool water.
Using the LaMotte Spin Touch paired with the Pool Shark H2O App will not only give you accurate results, but result in saved time and money. Not ready to take the leap to the spin lab? No problem! You can still manually test and enter your results into the Pool Shark H2O App. This is a quick way to see where your water is, where it should be, and step-by-step dosing instructions on how to accomplish this. This saves precious time.
By knowing exactly how much of a certain chemical needs to be added, we are saving money by not wasting expensive chemicals. I am sure you have all felt the sting of the increase in pool chemicals over the last couple of years. Why waste chemicals? By using just the right amount of any given chemical, you are reducing waste. This method saves money which makes for a better bottom line and makes you and your boss happy.
As we briefly chatted about above, always read the product’s instructions before using a chemical. You can get SDS sheets for free online. They are required in certain regions to be onsite anyway. We talked about PPE. We don’t want anyone getting injured at work. Not only is someone hurt, but it can cost money. I am not trying to be cruel here. Just factual.
Never mix chemicals in the same bucket. Always add chemicals to water, never water to chemicals. Always keep certain incompatible chemicals the appropriate length apart. Make sure you have proper ventilation wherever your chemicals are stored if they are stored indoors.
Not only are we required to test our pool water chemistry findings, but we are required to keep an up-to-date log on our findings. The Pool Shark H2O App is the newest technology compared to old-fashioned paper pool log books. The app digitally stores all of your water tests for all your pools and spas. These tests are visible on all devices the app is installed on as well as web browsers. So you can check the water chemistry without even having to be onsite! How cool is that? Digital storage also removes the risk of the log book getting wet or misplaced. And as for storing them for years? That is a lot of boxes and the issue of finding the room to store them.
So, let’s make proper water chemistry our number one priority. We can make this easier with the LaMotte Spin Lab paired with the Pool Shark H2O App or just the App itself. Whatever you decide, let’s be safe out there. See you poolside!
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