
The Pool Shark H2O Commercial Pool Chemistry Blog

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Meet Your Health Department Pool Regulations with Automation - FAQs

There is a lot to do to maintain a commercial body of water. We need to follow local guidelines. We want our water clean and clear and inviting. Most importantly, we want our water to be safe. Here are some frequently asked questions about owning and operating a commercial swimming pool and meeting the Health Department Pool Regulations.

Guide to Pool Controllers

Taking care of commercial bodies of water is no easy task. Especially if we operate more than one facility. There are so many things we need to be concerned about. We obviously have water safety as our number one priority. We also want clean, clear and inviting pools. We have to worry about safety equipment such as ADA lifts, drain compliance, signage, secure handrails, and ladders. We have to...

Benefits of Using A Pool Chemical Monitor

Taking care of a commercial swimming pool can be an arduous task. There is so much to worry about. Obviously, it is our job to keep the water safe. We also want clear, sparkling, and inviting water. It is our job as pool operators to ensure both of these things happen. We have to worry about safety equipment such as ADA lifts, signage, and handrails are in place. We have to make sure our drain...

Lowering Alkalinity in Swimming Pools

There are many fields we need to test for to ensure clean, and most importantly, safe swimming pool water. We need to check for sanitizer, pH, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, calcium hardness, total dissolved solids, metals, and salt, if applicable. All of these factors tie together in what is known as the Langelier Saturation Index. While each individual field is important, the overall condition of...

Chlorine Shock vs Non-Chlorine Swimming Pool Shock

We all use sanitizer to keep our bodies of water safe. Chlorine is the most widely used form of sanitation. It is available in granular, liquid, and tablet form. Some of us may manually add it while others have chemical feeders. There comes a time in every pool operator’s life when we need to shock, or oxidize, our pools and such. How do we know whether we need a chlorine shock or a non-chlorine...

The Integrated Commercial Pool Technology Stack

PoolShark H2O creates an integrated technology platform that works in unison to easily keep pools clean and safe, less expensive, and foolproof. Over 25,000,000 Tests Recorded and Counting! Simplify Pool Maintenance Stay compliant with health department regulations while shortening the time needed to do a water chemical test. Dosage calculations are done for your team, minimizing mistakes. ...

Pool Shock Calculator

We do a lot to take care of our swimming pools, spas, splash pads, water parks, and the like. Balancing the water is one of, if not THE most important aspects of this care. We know we need to balance pH and alkalinity. We know we need to have appropriate CYA and calcium levels. We know phosphates can be an issue. The most important chemical is our sanitizer. This not only keeps the water clear,...

Cyanuric Acid Levels in Swimming Pools

Conditioner. Stabilizer. These are other names for a chemical called Cyanuric Acid. What is it? Do we need it? What are the ups and downs? Let’s talk CYA.

Death By Swimming Pool Air?

The Invisible Monster Hiding in Poor Indoor Pool Air Quality It’s in the water! It’s in the air! An invisible evil that can harm you short-term and where the long-term effects are not definitively known. We are talking about chloramines, also known as combined chlorine. Specifically in a natatorium (A swimming pool, typically indoors).

Phosphates in Pools

We hear a lot about phosphates. “They are not a problem”, “They are a problem”. The truth is, they are only a problem when they are a problem. I know this doesn’t sound helpful, so let’s delve in a bit more, shall we?

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